Monday, January 26

Goldfuss update (January 26)

Dear Praying friends,

Thank you for your continued prayers.

On Saturday, we had our men's work day. Memo, Marcos, Nico, Humberto and I all were able to work on getting different things done. We made some good progress. Most of the men who are coming to do the work, leave for work about 8 in the morning and return home about 8 at night. The fact that they would come to work for most of Saturday when they haven't been with their families all week is a real testimony. Please pray for other men who could also do some work but put other things first.

We do excuse Morgan from coming to the work days as he is preaching in our church on Wednesday nights and also at the new work in Zitacuaro, Michoacan on Sundays. Yesterday was their second service and the four people again were very interested in God's Word. Please keep this fledgling work in your prayers for:
  1. Morgan's faithfulness.
  2. Morgan's strength.
  3. Continued interest in the Word of God and for God to save them.
We have really missed Morgan and his mother (Guille), father (Alejandro), and brother (Christian), but we are thrilled that they are going to try to help this new work to be started. Continue to pray for Alejandro and Christian's salvation.

Yesterday the women reacted to all of the men's work by volunteering to bring the last of the needed items for the church. I suggested that we wait a week or two with the men to finish the work so that they could spend some time with their families, but they said that they want to get the work DONE so that we can use the new SS rooms. Praise the Lord for their desire.

Please continue to pray for:
  1. Martha--her health and family problems. Martha was not present yesterday and we aren't sure why.
  2. Sra. Gloria---she found out last week that her eye problems are from two cataracts and she needs surgery. She also has other complications from her diabetes.
  3. Uriel and Mildred are a young couple in our church who are going through some difficult times. Uriel was unjustly fired from his job. Mildred has had interest in spiritual things, but currently is fighting with Uriel over the leadership in the family and has not been attending regularly. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to open her understanding of the gospel.
This week our homeschool Peniel Christian Academy is copying Mentor Christian School (where we grew up)-- and we are having Spirit Week. Today is bad hair day--pictures included.

Thank you so much for praying,
In Christ,
Mike for all the Goldfii

Friday, January 23

Goldfuss update (Januar y 23)

Dear Praying Friends,

The family's health has been much better this past week. Thank you for praying. Last week was very cold and drizzly and this week the sun has returned.

Saturday's ladies' meeting included a very good 1 1/2 hour study and then all the ladies pitched in cleaning and getting a lot of things done. The church building is looking very nice. Now tomorrow, the men are going to be doing some more work so that we can get the other side hopefully finished soon to be able to use for our extra Sunday School rooms. Please pray for a good group of men to come and work so that we can get done quickly.

This past Sunday Martha came. She had missed almost a month with different health issues. It was so good to see her and it was a blessing to see what the Lord had for us in SS that morning--perseverance in the face of afflictions and persecutions from Hebrews 10. She does struggle with depression with the great difficulties she has with her husband, family and sickness. Continue to pray for Martha.

Sra. Gloria had a doctor's appointment this week and needs to have cataract surgery in both eyes. Her sugar level has been very high still so please pray for some relief for her. It has been more than two months now since they (she and her Mom, Sra. Maria) have been able to be in church.

Thank you for praying for Morgan's first Sunday last week. He will normally go in a bus to get to Zitacuaro, but this week his Dad said that he wanted to drive down there with him. So, Alejandro and Guille, drove with him the two hours down to Michoacan for the first meeting in the interested family's home. Morgan reported that they were extremely attentive and that they studied for 2 hours on the theme of the gospel. Alejandro (who is unsaved) was even helping one of the two brothers in finding the different references. He even said that they should open the door to the house in case someone came along and wanted to hear. (Missionary Alejandro. Please pray that the Lord would use this in his life too to save him.) The whole family is definitely interested in continuing their Sunday meetings. Please pray that this would be the beginning of a local church. Pray for Morgan's sermon preparation and for his encouragement in the ministry there that will bring highs and lows. It is encouraging to see that we as a mission church are beginning to be able to send out missionaries from here. May this only be the first of many in the Lord's mercy and grace.

There are some underlying problems in our church here right now that come from a lack of love for one another. Please pray that the Lord will help people to see this and to get it right with those who have offended or have been offended.

Thank you so much for praying,
In Christ,
Mike for all the Goldfii

Thursday, January 15

Goldfuss update (January 15)

Dear Praying Friends,

We have had about 2 weeks here where much of the family has been struggling with some different ailments and sicknesses. Please pray for the Lord's grace and strength to endure and seek to be a glory to His name in spite of most not feeling well.

Morgan was supposed to start last week in the new ministry with the family in another state who wants to begin services. The main man has been working on Sundays, and so we were feeling like perhaps nothing was going to come of it after all. After talking with them on Sunday night, the man has stopped working on Sundays, and Morgan will be going this Sunday for the first time to preach to them. Please pray for the Lord to open a church in Zitacuaro, Michoacan for His honor and glory. Pray for Morgan's strength to continue on there and for safety as he travels each Sunday. It was neat two Sundays ago to dedicate Morgan before the whole church to the Lord for this service. That is something that we have never been able to do before.

This coming Saturday there is a ladies' meeting. They are going to be studying for 1 hour and then seeking to work for the second hour on different things that need to be done for the other side of the church to be useable. Please pray as there are several people who have promised to get some things done for the church, but they have not done them yet. They are holding up other things from getting done.

Sra. Gloria is not doing well with her diabetes. She said that last week she was not able to see out of her left eye and her right eye has been causing her problems. She is not scheduled to see the social medicine doctor until March. Please pray for the Lord to intervene on her behalf.

Martha was not in church again this past Sunday. She has many problems with her health, family and work that are a great discouragement to her. Please pray for her to not forsake the assembling of herself together with her brothers and sisters in Christ. Please pray for her to have great wisdom in dealing with the different problems that she faces each day. Pray that our church would be burdened to exhort her with much love.

Last week Mike was able to renew contact with Chucho, Miguel and Raul, three men that we haven't seen much in recent years but who were great friends when we first arrived. Miguel and Chucho listened again to the gospel. Please pray for their salvation.

Thank you for your faithful prayers, support and encouragement for us here. We greatly appreciate all of you who have a part in the Lord's work here.

Love in Christ,
Mike for all the Goldfii