Tuesday, March 7

Goldfuss Update (March 7, 2006)

Greetings to all of our prayer supporters,

We haven't been able to send you all a prayer update since Mike left Mexico City on February 6 because the computer that was causing us problems there is still causing us problems here. When you finally get this prayer update, you will know that we have the problem solved. :-)

Aaron Jaffee and Mike made the trip to Ohio from Mexico City (2600 miles) in about 3½ very long days. Thank you for praying. We had no incidents on the road and the Lord kept us safe and gave us a good time of fellowship.

It has been quite an adjustment time of getting the kids settled into school and adapting to a totally new schedule. They are doing fine and getting good grades— even Cristiana— with the things that she can do, she is getting good grades. The Lord is giving strength ad things are progressing nicely.

We have had good reports from Cristiana's doctors. She is doing neurotherapy exercises to try to make the right side of her brain function with her left side—she has been totally left brain dominant for all these years. These things include different manual exercises and stereo listening in addition to other things. The doctor last week told us that in this program, Cristiana is the first one that they have ever had make it into the fourth level. Please pray that these exercises will help Cristiana to be able to conquer the reading block that she has had.

The church in Mexico seems to be doing well under the leadership of Ruben Zartman. Heidi and Ruben had felt the Lord's leading to Mexico City last year and had already scheduled with us to come February 1 to live in our cabin and we were going to move into the house. When our plans for this year were totally changed by the Lord, we weren't sure what to do about the church at first, but then realized that the Lord had already answered that prayer before we even knew we had a need. Ruben has been doing the preaching and dealing with the people and we have heard excellent reports from both them and the church.

We have our first deputation meeting scheduled for March 19 at our home church, Bible Community Church in Mentor, Ohio. Please pray as we still have much work to do to get the slide presentation ready and everything else that goes into that. Please also pray as we try to schedule meetings. We would like to schedule the close churches during the school year and the farther away churches during the summer. Please pray for wisdom and strength. Thank you for your prayers.

In Christ,

Mike for all the Goldfusses

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