Monday, September 1

Goldfuss update (September 1)

Dear Praying Friends,

Thank you for your prayers in the past week.

We had an excellent first week of school. Melissa Pate arrived on Friday and that will help Faith out even tremendously. Faith has spent so much time getting things organized. She is such a great blessing to our family and our church. I don't know what we would do without her. Melissa has also been an encouragment already. We took her and our two birthday girls (Carissa, 9 on Saturday and Cherith 4 today) down to the horses on Saturday. I'm enclosing a few pix of the birthday girls, one of Caralyn on the roll cart in the kitchen, the kids in their school uniforms and the Mexican Fife and Drum Corp. :-)

Please keep praying for Juan Jesus and Analilia's family. He had his hip replacement last Tuesday morning and lost a LOT of blood. He hasn't been able to walk yet since the surgery. He has now been in the hospital for 17 days. Please pray for the Lord to really get a hold of their hearts and save them.

Tomorrow Erasmo has his gall bladder surgery. Please pray for their family. Matilde continues with a severe kidney infection and mentioned yesterday that her aunt has terminal cancer. Please pray for the Lord's grace in this family's life.

Saturday night/Sunday morning at 4:00 AM Faith said that someone was knocking on the door. I, of course said, "There is no one at the door." She got up to investigate and it was Miguel, Nico's son from next door who had been knocking for a half hour. Nico was terribly ill and was wondering if we had any more of the shots that we had to give the team when they were here. We had one for the infection and so Faith and I went next door to administer it. We were extremely surprised to see him at 10:30 AM with his family ready to head down the mountain to church with us. He ended up having to leave after SS to return home but praise the Lord that he wanted to be there. Please pray for him to recover quickly.

Jose and America's new little baby has a pretty bad infection also and America and the baby were not there yesterday. Please continue to pray for them to grow.

We had a very good time in Hebrews 9 in SS yesterday and followed that up with the preciousness of Christ from 1 Peter 2:1-8 which we followed up with the Lord's Supper. Several commented that it was a real blessing.

This coming Friday night we have another men's study in our book about Biblical Elders. Please pray for that.

Please pray for us to be shining lights in this dark city and that we would show forth the praises of Him who hath called us out of darkness into His marvelous light.

Thank you for your prayers,
In Christ,
Mike for all the Goldfii

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