Dear Praying Friends,
This past Sunday we had a much better attendance than we have had for several weeks. A number of people who have been sick were back and able to be present.
Martha was back in the hospital last week with her low blood platelet count, but she was there on Sunday for the first time in about a month. Our first hymn of the day was "I know whom I have believed" and she had her eyes shut and the sweetest smile on her face as she sang that hymn. That was very encouraging as she has struggled so much lately.
Many of you have prayed for Teresa, a saved lady in our church. She has many health problems and an unsaved husband, Alberto. Last week I had the opportunity to speak with Alberto for about 1 1/2 hours about the gospel. Someone had given his daughter a CD on hell. He started listening to it while I was there and that opened the door for some very good conversation. Please pray for Alberto's salvation.
Sunday, Morgan arrived at church with facial paralasis on one side of his face. It appears to be some type of Bell's palsy. He has been struggling with that all week, is on medication, but it hasn't improved too much to date. He has had some different stressful things lately that may have contributed to this. Morgan has not been able to go to Zitacuaro for the past 4 weeks because the group (family) there is no longer interested in having Sunday services. We know that this is no fault of Morgan's, but they just do not want to continue having services. Pray for their salvation and for Morgan. He grew to really love this family and is grieved over their spiritual needs. Please pray for the Lord's will. Morgan has continued preaching on Wed. nights and his preaching has been very very good. It was especially touching to see that he continued to preach even with the paralysis. He truly has a servants heart and a desire to preach the Word---and serve the Lord in whatever way that he can.
Two Sunday's ago, Francisco advised me that his family (Blanca and Jonathan) will not be attending any more. He said that they will be helping another church that they previously attended. This comes after I had a serious talk with them about being faithful in the Lord's house. Please pray for the Lord's working in their family. They are trying to get their daughter, America, and son-in-law (Jose) and their little family not to attend---and to leave with them. Last week I was able to speak to both Jose and America. Pray that they would both focus on the Lord Jesus Christ and not just problems that they see in other people. We all have that temptation, but praise our great God that He was focused on His glory when He came to save us and not just "us."
We had another good men's meeting about biblical eldership last week. Pray for the Lord to grow and mature men through His Word to lead His church here. There is much more going on, but I believe I gave you the highlights. Pray for much wisdom in daily counselling and witnessing.
Family News:
We are in our dry season at the present and it is definitely warming up for us. The pollution has increased and just this week several members of the family have come down with sinus and throat infections. Please pray for the Lord's strength for each one of us. The good news is that some of the children are finishing some of their minor subjects already. That gives more time for the other subjects. Melissa sure gave us a good start, and praise the Lord we are progressing well. Cristi, in spite of her dyslexia, is now doing over half of the subjects completely by herself---that is an enormous praise. THANK YOU FOR PRAYING!!!!!
We thank you for your prayers, encouragement, emails and financial support.
We could not do this without you,
In Christ,
Mike for all the goldfii
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