Sunday, July 26

Goldfuss update (July 26)

Dear Praying Friends,

It's been a while since we've written.

I was in Ohio preaching at the Jr. 2 camp week at Peniel Bible Camp. I was able to preach on 5 doctrinal words from Romans 3--sin, the righteousness of God, justification, redemption and propitiation. It was fun to try to put all that on the Jr. 2 level, (with practical illustrations). All were very attentive and seemed to keep right up. I pray that these truths will sink deep into their hearts. I was away from our church here for two Sundays. Jon taught SS and Morgan preached the first Sunday. Last Sunday they reversed the roles. We heard very good comments for both Sundays. That is such a blessing that I can be away without worry. Praise the Lord. That would not have happened just a short time ago. Morgan has been doing a great job this month on Wednesday nights. Jon preached in June on the Psalms and it was a great blessing to all who were there to hear him.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Faith and the whole church were organizing VBS. The cooperation this year has been absolutely phenomenal. Everybody has contributed and even asked what more that they could do. Therefore, the load on Faith and the others who normally prepare has been greatly lessened. That is a tremendous blessing and another step forward for our church. We thanked them profusely this morning. Just because all the physical things are ready does not mean everything is ready. We need your prayers. The theme is: A Mighty Fortress is Our God. It is about fortresses, castles and such. There will also be an acted out part of Pilgrim's Progress daily. We will have our VBS from Mon-Thurs this week. Please pray for the Lord to work in hearts.

We have had a good number of returning visitors in the past 2 months--Marbella and 4 children; Leticia and daughter, Maria Elena and her family, her sister Lourdes, and their mother, Lala. They come from a very different ministry but are eating up the preaching. Maria Elena's family is more upper class, but the people in church have been welcoming to them and the feeling seems to be mutual. That is such a blessing to see--that in Christ there is neither rich nor poor. Please pray for the Lord to continue to work.

Today, for the first time since Easter, Martha came. Praise the Lord. Many of you have prayed often for her. There are still some definite needs in her life with an unsaved abusive husband (she doesn't live at home,) problems at work, and a man who is after her romantically. She is very drawn to him. Please pray that she will be drawn more to Christ.

Miguel and Alondra came today with their little boy Cristofer again. They are the couple that lives very far away but come anyway when they can. They told us today that Elsa, (sister) is very depressed. Pray that we will soon have a chance to speak with her. Pray for them also to be saved.

Your prayers are greatly appreciated and needed. There is much spiritual warfare. Thank you for all you do for us.

In Christ,
Mike for all the goldfii

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