Friday, February 26

Goldfuss update (February 26)

Dear Praying Friends,

Several weeks ago, we had extremely high winds and rain--way out of season for that. There were many trees down and our electricity was out for about 5 days. Then when it did come back on it was extremely low. Praise the Lord that for the last week or so we have had it at the correct voltage and strength. The little things in life that we take for granted are certainly nice to have after not having them for several weeks. This is one reason that we have been unable to write---very little or low electricity.

We really need serious prayer for some difficult situations in the church. There are several men who have really had some divisions over different issues. We prayed for years for men. Now that we have some good ones, there has been a great deal of division during the last two months. Some of the things have been corrected and repented of, but there are still some things causing division--most of it is different preferences and personalities, not anything over sound doctrine. We really need you to pray for a Christ-like love in each of our men for each other. Please pray that we will be patient with each other and recognize how much our Savior has put up with us. Then pray that that would transfer to our attitudes and actions toward each other. These men, Lord willing, will be the future leaders of this church. They have to love and care for others, not only be concerned for their own opinions. Please pray for the Lord's working.

I will admit, this has probably been the most difficult and heart-wrenching month of ministry that we have ever experienced here in Mexico City. Pray that Satan would not have a foothold, that we would all be Christlike in our attitudes and actions, and that we would bring glory to our great God and Savior Jesus Christ through it all. We are thankful that HE has promised that the gates of hell will not prevail against His church.

Thank you for your prayers,
mike for all the goldfii

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