Sunday, August 1

Goldfuss update (August 1)

Dear Praying Friends,

Our biggest request is VBS this week from 3:00–6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. The church people have done a lot of work to get things in order. Pray that we will do the Lord's will in each and every aspect of the week.

Teresa didn't come today for about the 4th week in a row. Please pray for her as she battles with discouragement in her struggle to help her husband.

Martha often makes it to SS, but has to leave to work. She was able to stay through for our worship service today. It was wonderful to have her and it was wonderful to see her spirit in the service. Please pray as she recently had some radiation treatment.

We do have a significant praise. The main books that Cristi needs to read for her coming school year from BJU press have already been recorded through Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic!!!! This will help her immensely and she'll be able to do a great deal more of her schoolwork by herself and it will also free up Faith to be able to teach other subjects to the little ones. Praise the Lord for helping us find this tremendous rescource.

Thank you for praying,

In Christ,
Mike for all the Goldfii

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