Tuesday, September 21

Goldfuss update (September 21)

Dear Praying friends,

It's wonderful when the Lord brings back people from the past.

During the past month, the Lord has given us good contact again with Esther and her three children and Alejandrina. Both have come back to church. Please pray for the Lord in His grace to work in both of them and to make them faithful, Christ-like believers. Both have had some very difficult times and would appreciate your prayers.

Tere has had a rough month since her husband died, but it's a blessing to see her continue to seek to trust in the Lord day by day. She is also having some health issues.

We have almost finished 3 months of messages on forgiveness. Many have commented on the help that they have been and others are still struggling with forgiving others who have offended them. It is always a wonderful truth to remember that no one has ever sinned more against me, than I have against God. So, if He has forgiven me ALL my sins, there is no one that I should not be able to forgive as well. Pray that the Lord will continue to use them for His honor and glory. If anyone has spanish neighbors who would perhaps benefit from this series, we would be glad to supply some cd's for you to give to them.

Some in the church are still struggling financially. Please pray for them not to get their eyes off of Christ and to be controlled by these debts. As well, please pray that we would all have wisdom in our finances so as not to become enslaved in the first place.

Please pray for two ladies in the church who have some friction between them. Pray that the Lord will empower both to be Christlike in their words and responses.

School has gotten started. We praise the Lord for the Crockers and their help in school each day. Please pray for the Lord to provide a helper/s for second semester in His perfect will.

Last Wed/Thursday, Mexico celebrated its Bicentennial. We got to go to Alejandro, Guille and Morgan's home to enjoy some of the best tacos in all of Mexico--around 11 PM. 11 tacos at 11 PM doesn't help one sleep the best, but they sure tasted good. Pray that God in His grace would truly give the independence that only comes through faith in His Son to Mexico.

In our children's SS classes, we have one adult who teaches and one of the young people who assist with verses and crafts. Cristi recently worked on different clay scenes for her activity in the class. I've enclosed some pictures so that you can see her handiwork. Please note the intricate flowers and even the braids in Pharoah's daughter's hair. Man, I would have the patience to do about 1/4 of one of her fruits or flowers before I went crazy. She is VERY talented in art. Hope you enjoy them.

Thank you again for your vital part in this ministry! We love you and thank the Lord for you!

Mike and Faith for all the Goldfii

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