Tuesday, February 22

Goldfuss update (February 22)

Jorge spent Sunday night in jail. Yesterday Morgan took Cecilia and I downtown to the the precinct where he was being held--it's called "the Bunker" here. Cecilia was not able to get a hold of one lawyer lady. Another 2 lawyers looked like they had just graduated from the CJ school of law (That would be Cracker Jack.) When you look at and are in the middle of situations like this one, things appear so helpless and hopeless except that we have almight God watching out for His own. Humanly speaking, it really was absolutely hopeless.

Cecilia and I spent from about 9 AM til 9:30 PM there. Jorge had to give a statement (It lasted 2 1/2 hours) to the police. The cracker jack lawyers were supposed to be there to accompany him at 1:30. His statement started at 2:15. They showed up at 2:35. Then they wanted Ceci to pay them. I said, "Cecilia, give me all the money you have. I will have it and you will have no money to pay them. They should have showed up to do their work and they could have gotten paid." So Cecilia was Jorge's lawyer during his statement. ?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was about 15 feet from where they were this whole time. I tried observing all around the office to see who the important men were. I figured out who one was and after about 1 1/2 hours, was able to talk to him. I said, "I'm not a lawyer, but I'm here to plead for Jorge." I told him the whole story, but at the end, he didn't give much hope.

When Jorge still had about 1/2 hour to go in his testimony/statement, the school where he is studying his doctorate sent their own lawyer. HE WAS EXCELLENT, PROFESSIONAL, AND A BLESSING FROM OUR GOD. However, around 6:30 PM, he came by me and said under his breath, "He's in," meaning that Jorge was going to be committed to the prison. I just prayed and said, "Lord, Shadrac, Meshac and Abednego heard the same line--You are going into the furnace--and you saved them--of course, they did get in their for a very short time, but YOU are the only one who can help us in this situation." For another three hours the lawyer talked to the head of everything and finally came over about 9:30 and said, "He's going to be set free." After a few papers were signed, Cecilia and I walked out with Jorge. They took all of his belongings the night before--shoe strings, socks, and everything else. It appears many people have committed suicide in the past when they get put in jail. So the owner of the school, her husband, Jorge and Cecilia, another lawyer's assitant and I all piled into this little tiny car for the ride home. Even at 9:30 traffic was tremendous and I got out feeling very pretzelly. We had really not eaten anything all day, so Jorge, Cecilia and I all enjoyed a supper of tacos. It was an exhausting day, but thank you SO MUCH for approaching the throne of grace with us through Christ for Jorge and Cecilia. They were so thrilled last night--as was I and they asked us to thank all of you who have prayed.

We live in a wicked world. Praise the Lord that He is sovereign and in control and that His children can trust in Him no matter what. Please pray for all the tracts that we were able to give out yesterday, that the Lord would continue to call out for Himself, more people from this wicked world, to the kingdom of His dear Son. Father, hallowed, exalted, sanctified, glorified, lifted up be your name today and forever.

In Christ,
mike for all the goldfii

1 comment:

The Kendalls said...

Praise God! We're rejoicing with you.