Monday, March 5

Goldfuss update (3/5/2012)

Dear Prayer Partners,

  1. Good services.
  2. Good married couples class with a new couple attending.
  3. Bible Club up here where we live—the first week we had five and then this Saturday we had 11! They had so much fun and plan to invite more children. Continue to pray especially since it is very Catholic up here in the pueblos. Spring is our hot season—so the weather is beautiful. Please pray as we have 6 more weeks for the Bible Club.

Prayer Requests:
  1. Lilli—Nico’s wife cut her leg very deeply and it is not healing well. She may need a skin graft. Salvation also.
  2. Luis—Strained his back building a house. Shows signs of true conversion.
  3. Memo—has vertigo. Possible inner ear infection. Was at church with his eyes closed.
  4. Silvia—faithfulness
  5. Salvation—Pedro and Fernando (Fernando has not attended for two weeks).
  6. The weather here has been very hot. Mikey had an outdoor basketball game on Friday that was cancelled due to high UV radiation and pollution. The team went inside to practice in our home gym—and at least two of the team members have very bad throat and respiratory infections. Mikey is one of these and it is now spreading to the whole family. The kids want to be outside, but the dust and contamination is not helping their health. Please pray that we would all be better soon.

Thank you again for praying!
Mike and Faith 

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