Thursday, June 28

Goldfuss update (6/30/2012)

Dear Prayer Supporters,

  1. Thank you so much for praying! Because of your prayers, we were able to finish the roof before the big rains came! 
  2. Also, last week we had the Bob Jones University team come. Our first two nights of special services had to be canceled due to a late arrival, but our people really enjoyed Saturday's fellowship, games and preaching as well as the special music and preaching on Sunday. The team also was exposed to the big city and was able to pass out hundreds of tracts in rapid fashion. We are praying that the Lord will burden some of the team members to come back and help us if the Lord should lead in that direction. 
  3. Mati--a lady whose daughter attends gymnastics totally opened up about her doubts with her own Catholic church! I (Faith) have witnessed to her for one year--and she has been nice, but closed to the things of the Gospel. Last Friday I was kind of embarrassed because she normally gives us a ride when we cannot drive on Fridays. Helping our troop is no small feat. But I quickly asked the Lord to forgive me for focusing on myself because it almost seemed like she was waiting to unload everything that was on her heart without everyone else around. My kids were dumbfounded and Mikey and Cristi even joined into the conversation. I was able to give her a pamphlet that I had from a former priest who God has saved---and the Lord planted another seed in her heart. Pray for Mati, her husband, and her two children--Dani and Rodrigo---who are best friends with Cristi and Matthew.
Prayer Requests: 
  1. We desperately need 2 school teachers for the fall to help with homeschooling our 6 children. We have the BJU DVDs. So mainly, the teaching would be helping proctor and extra studying with one of our children who is dyslexic and sometimes needs things read to her when headaches plague her from excessive reading. So far we have no teachers.
  2. On a sad note, we had some money stolen on Saturday at the get-together at our home. Pray for us as we deal with the situation.
  3. Please also pray for the 5 men who will be taking the services for us while we are gone. They have been preparing for several months. Pray for their hearts, their deliveries and that this will be a real growth step for our church. There are a couple of the men who have some problems with each other. Satan would love to be able to cause divisions. Please pray that they will truly uphold each other in prayer and that they will unite in the Lord's work while we are gone.
  4. Also, Lourdes is completely heading up VBS. The ladies have helped for years and everyone is stepping up serving exceptionally well. VBS will be July 16th---18th. This is the first VBS without gringos---and it appears that they will not need us! Praise the Lord!!!
  5. Lenny and Mariana are taking the children's Sunday School class for the whole month of July. Since they cannot help with VBS in the middle of the week due to work, they are taking the Sundays to free the ladies so that they can concentrate on Vacation Bible School. It is wonderful to see how everyone is pulling together to get the work done!
  6. Pray for Cristi as she stays to finish the art work of transforming the church for VBS and complete her year of gymnastics at her competition. Pray for her and Reme to be a shining testimony to all of our unsaved friends.
  7. Please pray as we are leaving Sunday after church to begin 6 days of travel to PA. Faith's mom is not doing well and we are asking prayer for wisdom for the doctors as she is having trouble breathing when she tries to do anything. She is fine when she is sitting. Pray that we would be a blessing and a help----and not too much for both mom and dad.
  8. Pray for Mike as he preaches 3 Sundays that we are gone. We will return in August. We love you all and thank you for upholding us in your prayers. We truly depend on them. Please pray especially for Monday and Tuesday as we will be driving through the most dangerous parts of Mexico. Pray for Cristi on Friday, July 13th as she flies out of Mexico City Airport. They just had a shooting there on Monday in which 3 federal police agents were killed by drug cartel people dressed like police officers right in the airport. We praise the Lord that we know that OUR GOD is in control ---and we praise the Lord that we are not bound by superstition---(Friday the 13th--like most of our unsaved friends here). Our children are HIS and HE is ours. Whatever he decides is best. 
In Christ, 
Faith for the Goldfusses 
Mike, Mikey, Cristi, Carissa, Matthew, Cheri, and Caralyn

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