Thursday, September 27

Prayer Request

Dear Praying Friends,

Please pray today for Faith's Mom, Nancy Crouthamel. She is having a
pretty serious surgery this afternoon to have her thyroid removed.

1. Pray for the doctors to have skill and wisdom.
2. Pray for Nancy's confidence in Christ to continue to be strong and
for her body to heal.
3. Pray for grace for Bob as he will be caring for her and going back
and forth from the hospital--and that the Lord will also calm his heart.
4. Pray for Faith and her brother and sister, Ron and Jan, for strength
and encouragement as well.
5. Pray for Faith's sister in law Bridgette who is helping them a lot.

The surgery will be between 2 1/2 to 3 hours long and sometime between 2
pm and 6 pm. The doctors say she will need to be in the hospital
between 1 and 3 days.

Thank you for your prayers,
In Christ,
Mike and Faith for all the Goldfii

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