Saturday, October 6

Goldfuss update

Dear prayer Partners
1. The school year is now underway without any any extra teachers. What a blessing that the Lord has enabled us to get everything accomplished! We are amazed! We would never have thought that this was possible. The children are all doing much more on their own and somehow Cara (the baby) learned how to read very quickly---which means a lot less work for mom than we anticipated for the next 2 years. We just thank the Lord because He is the one who is enabling everyone to be able to do so well by themselves. This is not to say that we do not need prayer--- because we do. Pray that we won't just teach and learn academics, but also godliness.

2. Lauren, one of our teachers from last year, has asked us if she could come and help with school and the ministry from February to April. She is already down here in Mexico studying Spanish and staying with another missionary couple near the university where she is studying. When we tried to find out if she was just trying to help us, she insisted that she would like to take one module off to practice with our people at church before going on to advanced Spanish. So that is a praise! I am sure that we will all be tired by then and in need of the extra help.

3. One new family and a lady have visited the church in the last weeks. We have visited them in their homes and been able to clearly share the Gospel with them. Pray that they will continue to come again and be genuinely converted.

4. Mike has been able to make friends with 5 men who have come from various pueblos to work at the tree farm on the mountain behind us. To do this, he has visited them on 7 or 8 different occasions. They are preparing for the Christmas tree season. He has been able to give the Gospel various times and they have promised to come to church with us this Sunday (tomorrow). Please pray for them to follow through.

Prayer requests:
1. Juana, a very faithful lady, has been to the doctor several times and had numerous tests. There is a lump that could possibly be cancer. She is supposed to find out the actual diagnoses this next Tuesday. Please pray with our church family for continual peace for Juana and for a cancer-free diagnosis if that is His perfect will. She is seeking to be a testimony for Christ in her family and in front of the doctors and nurses. She is concerned for the salvation of several of her sons.

2. Revival. Attendance has been good, but everyone seems to be bogged down with the difficulties that arise from daily life--and they are many. Pray that the people of the church would continue to do the work of the ministry, witnessing for Christ, and that the Lord would revive us and make us rejoice in our God. Pray for all of our hearts to burn with a love for the Lord.

3. G. , Lourdes' brother was in a very serious, life- threatening car accident right after we had spent the evening with Lourdes' family. Mike has gone to speak with him, but please pray that the Lord would open up his heart for salvation. He has made a profession in the past but has no fruit.

4. There is one in our assembly who professes faith in Christ, but has been leading a life of unrepentant sin. Pray for the Lord to work in R's heart--to either bring to conversion or restoration.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support for us.
With much love and gratitude,
Faith, Mike and all the kids

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