Tuesday, December 21

Goldfuss update (December 21)

Dear Prayer Partners,

Many praises!

The Lord gave Mike and Carissa a very busy, but safe trip to the border. As Mike wrote the following on Facebook:
On our round trip to Texas and back:
# of crashed semi-trucks in accidents--6
# of dollars spent for a year's supplies--too many
# of bullets heard or taken--0
3 1/2 days with Carissa ----------------priceless"

  1. Mike had the privilege of preaching at Lala's 90th birthday party on Saturday. He was able to preach to over 70 relatives, the majority of them unsaved. We sought to honor Lala and even more, Lala's Lord. Because of this, we were not able to participate in the church's first work party. This, we are sure, was of the Lord because the people dug right in and began doing the work without us.
  2. All Saturday, many of our church people worked at a new location for the church. One problem is that it is going to cost more than what the men of the church originally thought. All expenses will be taken off the rent---so that is a big help. The men feel that one major advantage of the move is that we will be able to put up a big sign and have our own location. (Our present landlord has never allowed that in the past). Please pray for wisdom for the men. They reported that the work party had a good spirit and that all worked well together. You can see in some of the pictures that they had to move a whole pile of red stone up to the second floor (in buckets) to fill in so that the floor will be one solid level instead of two.
  3. The next work meeting is Saturday---Christmas day. Since Mexico celebrates Christmas in the evening of the 24th, there is no conflict for them. So that our family will be able to help, we will be celebrating our American Christmas with our family on the 24th, then the Mexican Christmas with them on the evening and night of the 24th. Then there will be another big work party during the day of the 25th.---And finally church on Sunday with a baptismal service, a meal together, and a Christian video following the usual services. Please pray for the great spirit to continue. You all can think of us on Christmas day when we have our work party; and please pray for unity, love, and wisdom for our church people. ***I almost forgot to ask for prayer at the special Christmas service on Thursday evening the 23rd!!! (pictures are included from the 1st work party). So that means activities with the church people from Thursday through Sunday!
  4. Mike was invited to preach at another church in the city for their Christmas service on Sunday evening. What a great opportunity as there were many visitors. How we miss Jon to help with all of the preaching. Please pray for stamina for Mike.

Thank you so much for faithfully praying for the ministry here in Mexico City and for our family. How thankful we are to have a Savior from all of our sin! Thank you Lord for sending your Son! And how thankful we are to have you standing behind us in prayer!

With much love, the Goldfusses
(Faith) for all the rest of us--Mike, Mikey, Cristi, Carissa, Matthew, Cherith, and Caralyn

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