Thursday, April 5

Goldfuss update (4/5/2012)

Dear Prayer Partners,
You have been praying.....and the Lord has been opening doors!

  1. Fernando came back to church----Mike met with him and he assured Mike that he does believe that Jesus is God.  He has been helping his neighbors--and having a mini-Bible study with around 10.  His plan is to change the Bible study to Saturdays and have the 10 come with him to church.  He really wants all of them to come to our home for the special Easter Services.
  2. Last night so many came for prayer meeting!!!  It is Holy Week, but in year's past fewer people have come---because of a vacation mentality.  But the Lord is working!
  3. The Sunday special 50th anniversary for Don Pedro and his wife went very well.  The family was very pleased with the service and the Lord gave freedom for the Gospel to be proclaimed!  Pray especially for Roberto and Veronica and their family to come to church as a result.  Roberto has come before and Veronica is the daughter of the couple.  (Pictures included).
  4. Bible Club was great---again a wonderful turnout 25 children.  We are inviting all of these children and their families for Easter Sunday.
  5. Jorge was approved for his dissertation.  They will be leaving at the end of this month for Peru for 4 months before returning here for another 8 months-- and then returning to Peru permanently.  
Prayer Requests:

  1. The family of the girl that was kidnapped will also be invited to Easter.  The little brother attends the Bible Club.  Pray that they will attend.
  2. Mariano---Clara and Sergio's son that was in the accident has acknowledged his need to "know the Lord better."  We believe he needs to be saved.  Pray as Mike visits him.  He is now recuperating at his home.
  3. A couple in our church is having major marital problems.  The wife has continually been practicing lying and stealing---please pray for her conversion.
  4. The Easter Services:
           7:00 AM--Sunrise service
           8:00 AM--Breakfast that we will provide
           9:30 AM--Morning Service
           12:00--Lunch that the church people will provide
            2:00--Fun and fellowship
Our people are so wonderful!  They are preparing to serve and to be ready to talk with all of the visitors after serving. The potential for many coming is huge!!!  We need this day bathed in prayer.

  • Our own church people are @ 80.
  • The church in the pueblo that used to preach the Bible (and now it is questionable if they do)---is coming.  They have said that 20 are definitely coming.  We have met more that used to go and they said that they are coming.  So we are thinking ---maybe 40.
  • The 27 Bible Club kids and their families are invited.  So a potential of @ 50???
  • And then our kids couldn't resist inviting some of their friends from their sports---another 10.
  • Oh yes, and Fernando's 10. 
If everyone came, we could have between 150-190 people here.  Obviously, there is no way to know for sure.  Pray that the Lord would bring who he would want to come and that he would prevent those that would hinder God's work.  
Pray that we could maintain order, the Gospel would have free course with little distraction, and that people's lives would be changed.  The best part of all of this is that our people are ready to minister.  Praise the Lord!!!!!
***With open doors always comes spiritual warfare.  We expect it.  Two of our crew have been having nightmares.  We prayed for that specifically---and the Lord gave sweet sleep, but please continue to pray!
With much love,
Faith for Mike and kids----and Bethany and Lauren too! 

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