Sunday, February 25

Update from Ruben Zartman

Hello Everyone,

I am back in Indiana and very happy to be reunited with Heidi. The passport process has passed from my hands, so now we must await the good graces of the government. Another project for while we are here is to get our taxes taken care of, hopefully with a ministerial exemption releasing us from social security.

I spoke with Juanita this week: they have lost the property lawsuit (which was immediately appealed). So there will presumably be another year of the legal battle and it seems quite likely that at the end of this time they will lose their property. Please pray for God's provision in all of this. Additionally, Juanita has been told that she has fungus growing on her appendix which may require another surgery....

I thought I would take this opportunity to quickly lay out our own situation and ask for your prayers for God's provision and direction. At the present time we seem to have three options.

1. Go to Panama for roughly 3 months this summer in order to help a missionary there who must return to the US on deputation. I need to be able to tell this missionary yes or no by Wednesday. Right now that hinges on coming up with $1300.00 for the airfare. We are currently at $0.00 in the Panama fund, and so it doesn't seem likely that this will work out, although God is a God of surprises. We are not disappointed, however.

2. We could stay in Mexico working with the people we have come to love over this past year. The hurdle for this is primarily Heidi's health. If it is the altitude of Mexico City perhaps a simple move down the mountain would be enough; but perhaps the whole city is too high up for her. A secondary hurdle is financial: moving down the mountain would up our cost of living to some degree. Many times the country is cheaper, so from motives of health and finances we may be looking at moving out of Mexico City, although out preferences would not be for that.

3. Another missionary couple has asked us to consider working with them. They are also located in Mexico City, so if the health/finances do not permit us to stay in Ajusco, then this alternative would also be ruled out.

We do ask your prayers in this matter: that God would make His choice perfectly plain to us, and also that we would truly prefer His will above all things. Our hearts cling to all the people where we have been working this past year. There is not one of them who is not very dear, in their own way, to us and it is a great mercy that God has shown that this bond is by no means one-sided. I was both gladdened and solemnized by the affection that has been poured out upon us from the people there.

Whatever happens in the future, I can honestly say that this last year was the best year of my life, and from the bottom of my heart I would like to thank all of you who under God made it possible. Without your prayers and your generosity it would not have been possible for to even have arrived in Mexico City, much less to have continued there so long and been enabled to do even a little bit for the people there. I trust God will make all of you as happy in His chosen area of service for you as Heidi and I have been in Mexico City.


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