Monday, April 23

Goldfuss update

Dear Praying Friends,
We thank you for your prayers for the ministry and our family here in Mexico in the midst of a difficult week.  The service went well as the people were attentive and the Word went forth much easier than last week.  We attribute this to your prayers.  So thank you so much for praying.  Many attended and we ran out of chairs.
--Sylvia was not in our services today which always concerns us as she faces much difficulty at home.  Pray for Mike as he goes to visit with her tomorrow.  Her sisters have been confusing her as they are not Christians.
--Francisco was not able to accompany his wife and son today as his father (89 years old) is very very ill and he went to be with him.  Pray for him to be able to present the gospel clearly to him.
--Gabriel and Lilliana were very close to adopting a baby girl.  However, it seems that they may have been defrauded into giving money and the mother who was going to deliver the baby soon has disappeared.  We were able to have them come to our home this afternoon for dinner and enjoyed a good time of fellowship and encouragement with them.  Praise the Lord that they realize that they only want His perfect will regarding the baby, but they are hurting.
This was a tough week in which we seemed to face many obstacles in moving forward. 
--Faith needed to see the doctor three times this week--1.  Since last Saturday she began to feel badly and so we went to her doctor's on Tuesday evening.  We found out that the doctor had left a large gauze inside after the birth of Caralyn.  (Two weeks.)  2.  She was still feeling bad on Thursday and we had to make a trip to a lab to get her blood pressure taken (90/70) and check her blood for infection.  Praise the Lord there was no infection.  3.  Saturday we found out she had an ear infection.  Pray for the Lord to strengthen her and give her the grace to do all she still needs to do.  She is very weak.
Pray for Ruben and Heidi . They went to Arizona for a conference last week and to see if the altitude of Mexico City is what is causing all of Heidi's health problems.  They have decided to try to rent much farther down in the city on a 2 week trial basis to see if that will help Heidi's health problems and to see if that will enable them to stay in Mexico City.  Pray that we will be able to find them something suitable.
Last week we had a 6.0 earthquake.  It was pretty strong and somewhat tense for a few moments.  Even though the ground is moveable, our God is not.  He is able to continue building His church.  We thank you for praying for the Lord's church here.  After last week's very disappointing attendance, we had an excellent attendance today and we were absolutely bursting at the seems.  The hot weather arrived this week, so the church was kind of like a rotissierie today for chicken.  The Lord brought all those people today though and we pray that His Word will work in a great way in their hearts. 
Please pray for us to be able to finalize a place to have our baptismal service in May.
Please pray that the Lord would provide a permanent place for our church to meet.  We are currently unable to display a sign for our church because of the owner's wishes. 
Thank you for your prayers,
in Christ,
Mike Goldfuss 

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