Wednesday, April 4

Update on Faith and Caralyn Joy

We had a nice surprise today. The hospital was saying that Faith had to come home today. Faith wasn't in any shape to come home yet today. Because of so much epidural medicine on Monday night, she could hardly move her legs yesterday and she couldn't walk. The hospital package that we had to pay for comes with three days and two nights of hospitalization. They were counting Monday night as a night when Faith got out of recovery at 3:35 AM and was wheeled to her room and finally fell asleep at 6 AM. I told them today that she basically had 1 1/2 days and 1 night after the delivery. They said that there was nothing they could do but a lady said she'd try. She came back about an hour later and said that she was sorry, but not possible.

Faith's doctor was in the room at the moment and said that it would really be helpful for Faith medically to be able to stay one more day and the lady said she'd try again, but wasn't hopeful. (Faith added, "Plus, I've given birth to seven children in this hospital. Doesn't that count for something?) She came back and said that she had good news. They had agreed to start counting the three days and nights with Tuesday night, so they were going to let her stay the extra day.

What a blessing. Thank the Lord for that blessing with us. So, tomorrow, Thursday, Faith and Caralyn are planning on coming home. (Actually, I'm not sure what Caralyn is planning in her little mind for tomorrow, but we are planning on her coming with us.)

With love in Christ,
Mike for all the Goldfi

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