Monday, April 30

Goldfuss prayer update (4/29/2012)

Dear Prayer Partners,
As always we thank you so much for upholding us and the Lord's ministry here in prayer.
The Lord Builds His Church:  We were down in numbers.  One family was at a homeschool conference, and we were all missing Jorge and Ceci who left Saturday for Peru.  However, the Lord brought us a visiting couple...and He is equipping those who are here to help the new ones who are arriving.

  1. Lilliana came to church with her children and without Nico.  In the past, she has been the one who did not want to come.  We need to bathe this family in prayer.  It seems that Nico is feeling the weight of his sin of leaving his first wife.  He is now realizing that it was a big mistake to leave his first wife--Reyna.  He abandoned her when their children were around 10, and Reina had to rear their children by herself.  Now that he has lived 13 years with Lilli, he wants to do the same thing to her.  Please pray as the Lord seems to be opening Lilli's heart.  Please pray for wisdom as we know everyone involved, and truly want to glorify God in our counseling each person.
  2. Memo has a desire to meet with and deal with or disciple those who are new.  Please pray for him as he meets with Roberto (Juana's brother-in-law).
  3. L. and M. are praying about teaching a special series in Sunday School to the children.  Pray for this step of service.
  4. Last night Mike had the opportunity to preach to about 30 people in a drug and alcohol rehab lock down.  Pray that God's Word would not return void.  There was one young man that already had a some Bible knowledge and Mike was able to talk with him further.

  1. Faithfulness for those who come every other week or even more sporadically, Gaby, Marbella, Erasmo and Matilde, and Luis and Claudia.
  2. 2 older couples--both new in the last month---prayer for marriages and wisdom in counseling.
  3. One man who has done a great job leading but feels very unworthy to lead.  
  4. Follow up on a family that visited for 2 weeks, but did not come yesterday.
  5. 3 of our children are done with school and the other three are almost done!
  6. And finally our own spirits.  Our goal is to start a church and leave it independent.  It's very hard to watch people be trained and then move away.  They are serving the Lord in other places, but it doesn't fulfill our long range goal of leaving an independent church.  Pray that God's goals would be the goals that we desire to further and fulfill.    
On the home front:  we are finishing school as well as getting ready to prepare the outside of the house for the "monsoon" rains that come with rainy season.
**I can't believe that I forgot to mention---On Wednesday the church where we meet was officially sealed by the bank.  After a number of phone calls with the owner, everything was cleared up in the afternoon.  It appears that the owner has not been paying the money due on the house payment.  I guess she used the rent that we paid for the whole year on other things.  Pray for the men to have wisdom and kindness in dealing with her.  
Thank you again,
In Christ,
Faith for the whole Goldfuss family----Mike, Mikey, Cristi, Cari, Matt, Cheri, and Cara

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