Monday, April 23

Goldfuss update (4/23/2012)

Dear Praying Friends,

We had a very intense and wonderful weekend and Lord's Day. 

  1. Friday night men's meeting. It was a good meeting. We will be going for a month to Pennsylvania in July to see Faith's mom and dad. We worked out who will be doing the SS and preaching services for that whole month.  Five men are going to be dividing up the fruit of the Spirit to preach to our congregation. Please pray for them to have wisdom and that I would be a good mentor for them. 
  2. Lilliana's leg. As her LEG has been healing, God has been opening her HEART. We are starting a Bible doctrines class in SS that will enable us, Lord willing, to create our own doctrinal statement for members. Lili asked this morning what the book says--she is unable to read. So Bethany, one of our school teachers, is going to read out loud the whole book and record it for Lili. Praise the Lord for Bethany's willingness to go way out of her way to do this for Lili. 
  3. Jose and America. Left about 3 years ago due to several issues. After our marriage class in the afternoon yesterday, he came up to me and asked me to forgive him for his pride and bad attitudes that just "took his own family through the mud." It was wonderful to immediately be able to give him a big hug and extend forgiveness. It has been wonderful to have them back for about the past month and a half. Pray for the Lord's work in this family. 
  4. Our marriage class. We had 22 people in attendance and were missing one couple who normally comes--due to sickness. It was an extremely INTENSE class as the oldest couple we have basically unleashed years of pent up feelings and emotions against each other. The wonderful thing was that about 3 or 4 people gave them wonderful counsel from the Scriptures. It was tremendous to see them stepping up with the gospel and God's Word to gently rebuke and encourage this couple. At the end, the man said, "We are thankful God brought us here; the church is a hospital for us." Please pray for S and C. 
Prayer Requests: 

  1. A new lady and her mom, daughter and son and two small children have been attending the last two weeks. 
  2. Marcos and Ruth are moving about 3 hours to the north. Pray for them--family, marriage, move and for them to find a new church closer to them. 
  3. Jorge and Ceci. We had a time of prayer for them yesterday. They will be leaving to go back to Peru for 4 months to do his field work for his dissertation. Their long term goal is to start a Christian university there. 
  4. On the homefront, we are having spirit week with the kids this week as we seek to finish up the school year. Pray that the Lord would enable us to finish school in the next two weeks. Mom, Bethany and Lauren would appreciate your prayers for that--as would the kids too. :-) 
Thank you so much for your prayers, 
In Christ, mike for all the goldfii

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