Monday, January 9

Goldfuss update (1/9/2012)

Dear Prayer Partners,
Thank you for praying after last week's prayer letter.

  1. Friday men's meeting---went very well with 11 men. Some important problems were dealt with and much progress was made. The new man, Alberto, also attended.
  2. Well attended church services today---Marbella was there with her 4 children after not attending for more than 3 months. 

  1. Salvation---Pedro, Luis, Fernando, Lilli, and Marbella.
  2. 2 ladies who have not been faithful--Silvia and Gabby.
  3. Wed. prayer meeting
  4. Thursday---Monday--Mike being away for a conference in Ohio/ Faith holding down the fort with potential electricity and water problems. ------Safety for Mike flying and for Faith, children, and teachers. (Two bricks were thrown at the van when Faith was driving home on Thursday evening. No damage was done as they missed the windows---and Faith kept going.)
  5. Sunday---SS-Memo. Jason, who just started a church, will be bringing his people to our church, and he will be preaching. Married couples class (in the afternoon)--Jorge---after a combined potluck.
Thank you for praying, Mike and Faith

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