Tuesday, January 17

Goldfuss update (1/17/2012)


  1. Mike's trip—he went and arrived safely and enjoyed the time at the conference in Westerville, Ohio. Thank you for praying.
  2. All was well on the homefront. Mikey really stepped up to the plate, taking care of the water truck, water pump, the wood stove, chopping wood and being in charge.
  3. Sunday's services went very well and all did a great job—Memo did SS, Beto lead the service, Jason preached and Jorge led the married couples' class. Two families visited with Jason and Danielle. The men had the leadership of everything and made wise decisions. The meal between the service and the married couple's class went very well. They all brought enough food (that has been a problem in the past,) and the spirit was good.

  1. Jonathan, 17, Tere's grandson, is addicted to drugs. We found him a Christian rehab home where the Word of God, and not psychology, is used. Pray that he would hit bottom and be willing to go as those who can enroll must voluntarily enter on their own.
  2. Nico—he and his family were not in attendance on Sunday. He is the only one saved in his family. This was a disappointment to the men on Sunday as he is one of our leaders. They did well without him, but pray that the Lord's grace will enable Nico to be a humble servant to our church. There have recently been some struggles with pride. We are working in our men's classes on humble service. Pray.
  3. Salvation—Pedro, Luis, Fernando, Lili and Marbella. Each of these men attended on Sunday but neither of the two women did.
  4. Bethany's piano classes and Lauren's art classes. Pray that these would continue to be helpful for people in our church and as outreach to the unsaved.
  5. Plans to soon start a Bible club in our neighborhood with Bethany and Lauren.
  6. Gabriel is preaching tomorrow night (Wednesday).
  7. Services this coming Sunday.
  8. Mikey's unsaved friend Diego who fell and hit his head in basketball the other day. He is still dizzy three days later and on bed rest. Pray for us to have more opportunities to give him and his family the gospel.
Thank you so much for your prayers.
In Christ,
Mike and Faith for the rest of the Goldfii

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