Sunday, August 14

Morning Services

This morning we had the opportunity to fellowship with the believers at Iglesia Bíblica de Padierna. At 11:00, we began with Sunday School. Mike is using the book Como Manejar Su Dinero (How To Manage Your Money) by Larry Burkett as a jumping-off point for a Bible study on financial principles. There are a lot of great biblical principles that are easily applied to daily life.
After Sunday school, there was about a ten minute break (pictured above) and then the worship service began about 12:30. The morning service went like this:
  • Bible reading: Proverbs 6:20-7:27
  • Hymns: "Jesus Paid It All" and "May Jesus Christ Be Seen In Me."
  • The memory verses of the month: 1 Thessalonians 4:3, 7
  • Hymns: "It Is Well," "My Jesus, I Love Thee," and "More About Jesus."
  • Mike preached the message: "The Will of God--- Our Sanctification"
  • Hymn: "Holy, Holy, Holy"

The message was from 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8. I think I understood almost all of the message, but Bekah said she had some struggles. We took notes on the little handout that was passed out on the back of the bulletin. Carissa was sitting next to Bekah and did her best to copy down as many of the points as possible.

1. The Will of God: The will of God is sanctification, which means to be separated from evil and separated to God to live in holiness.

A. We ought to separate from immorality.

B. We ought to keep our body in holiness and

C. We should not defraud or deceive our brother in

2. The Reason for the Will of God: God is the avenger of those who commit immorality.

3. The Origin of the Will of God: from God, not men. All holiness begins with the fear of God.

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